Issues We Work On
Funding from The South Cleveland Heart Fund supports The James Cook University Hospital to keep the Regional Cardiothoracic Centre at the leading edge of advances of care for heart patients.
Providing state of the art equipment (VAT exempt)
Patient comfort
Carer's and relative's comfort and support
Advanced staff training
Research within the unit
None of the above would be available through NHS funding, and the support of The South Cleveland Heart Fund that The James Cook University Hospital Regional Cardiothoracic Centre helps to maintain its national and international reputation
The Goal of The South Cleveland Heart Fund is simply described as we are here to support the Cardiothoracic unit at The James Cook University Hospital.
Our support mainly takes the form of raising monies to keep The James Cook University Hospital Cardiothoracic unit at the leading edge of heart care and to provide funds for equipment and training and research that would not be currently available through NHS funding
So far it has raised well over £3.5 million to support all aspects of the Unit and its expansion to what it is today and we would hope that by providing equipment, training grants and research funding The James Cook University Hospital Cardiothoracic unit, patients, their relatives and carers would all benefit.